Handmade Ceramic light bulb socket kits - E26

27,90 €
Povrchová Úprava: Oranžová

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Číslo výrobku: K26-83-CC006
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Handmade and enameled in Italy. Each object is unique, with small differences due to the manual production process.

Kit consists of:
1 E26 thermoplastic socket,
1 Ceramic cup,
1 Threaded tube,
1 Complete transparent cable clamp.

Diameter: 2 - 1/8 inches (54 mm)
Height 2 - 5/8 inches (66 mm)

UL Listed: E190302

Note that the interior light bulb socket has a built-in locking safety device that does not allow you to unscrew it once assembled. (This is to protect you from electric shock.)
We ship all our light sockets

    not fully assembled and twisted closed
so that the built-in locking safety mechanism is not "locked" when you receive it.
If the safety device does somehow become locked you can unlock this security system, located inside the socket on the side, with a small screwdriver. Please see our tutorial page for videos on how to unlock these light bulb sockets. And If you attempt to unlock the socket you must have the power
to the socket before inserting anything into the socket!


These ceramic light socket kits are made by artisans just outside of Venice, Italy. They are handpainted and glazed. Each of these lamp parts is unique, with slight differences due to the manual manufacturing process.

Combine these with a any of our matching multi-hole ceramic ceiling canopy kits and our cloth covered wire pendant light cables to create beautiful hanging swag light chandeliers.

Be sure to check out our tutorial videos to learn how to wire up this silicone light bulb socket kit.

UL Listed: E190302

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Informacije o dostavi

Koliko časa traja priprava mojega naročila?

Naročila skrbno obdelujemo v našem osrednjem skladišču v Italiji in si prizadevamo, da jih odpremimo v 48 do 72 urah. Pri naročilih, ki vključujejo prilagojene izdelke iz našega razdelka 'Konfigurator', pričakujte nekoliko daljši čas odpreme.

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  • Name : Vrátenie tovaru a vrátenie peňazí
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    Ak ste zmenili názor ohľadom objednávky, môžete uplatniť svoje právo na odstúpenie do 14 dní od doručenia produktov. Objednávku môžete vrátiť čiastočne alebo úplne. Všetky produkty musia byť vrátené spoločnosti Creative-Cables nepoškodené, v nepozmenenom stave a v pôvodnom obale. Právo na odstúpenie sa nevzťahuje na produktovo upravené alebo zjavné šité produkty, vrátane tých vytvorených pomocou konfigurátora.

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