Vintage Style - single ferrule light bulb socket kits - E26

6 142,00 Ft
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Cikkszám: KBL26ALCR

Vintage aluminium E26 light bulb socket kit.

The kit consists of:
1- E26 socket in IMQ ENEC certified thermoplastic Made in Italy
1 - Aluminium body
1 - matching strain relief.

Diameter: 2 inches (50 mm)
Height: 2 - 7/8 inches (72 mm)

Note that the interior light bulb socket has a built-in locking safety device that does not allow you to unscrew it once assembled. (This is to protect you from electric shock.)
We ship all our light sockets

    not fully assembled and twisted closed
so that the built-in locking safety mechanism is not "locked" when you receive it.
If the safety device does somehow become locked you can unlock this security system, located inside the socket on the side, with a small screwdriver. Please see our tutorial page for videos on how to unlock these light bulb sockets. And If you attempt to unlock the socket you must have the power
to the socket before inserting anything into the socket!


Looking for a light bulb socket kit that invokes more of a vintage or industrial feel? This could be the perfect socket kit for you.
These light bulb socket kits are made from aluminium, so they are light weight and durable. But they still present a great a distressed and retro vintage look.

These are single ferrule light sockets. "What's a ferrule?" you may be thinking. It's simply another name for a ring. And these light bulb sockets have a single ferrule at the bottom of the socket that can screw on and off. And while there isn't a second ferrule at the top, the socket cover itself acts as the top ferrule. So you can use this socket to mount all types of pendant light shades and plugin pendant light shades that have a opening diameter of 1 - 5/8 inches to 1 - 3/4 inches.

These light bulb socket kits come with a matching strain relief cable clamp, and work great with our cloth covered wire pendant light cords.

UL Listed: E190302

Be sure to check out our tutorial videos to learn how to wire up this Vintage Style light bulb socket.

Termék részletek


Fogalalat típusaE26

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