Silicone Light Bulb Socket Kits - E26
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Our Silicone Socket light bulb socket kits are fun, whimsical and allow for all sorts of color and creativity in your lighting projects. The fact that they are scratch resistant and inexspensive makes them even better.
This are wonderful light bulb socket kits to use for spaces where you want to create a simple lighting design with an impressive result. These are compatible with any of our pendant light cables to make your own diy pendant light kit or plug in pendant light.
Note that when inserting the cloth wire into these socket covers you first must wrap the end of the cloth wire very tightly with clear tape and gently push and twist the cable while inserting it into the lamp cover.
Creative tip: Choose a matching or contrasting silicone ceiling canopy for your socket from among our selection of silicone ceiling canopies.
UL Listed: E190302
Be sure to check out our tutorial videos to learn how to wire up this silicone light bulb socket kit.
Podrobnosti izdelka
Závit | E26 |
Plastový krúžok na tienidlo | Nie |
Materiál | Silikón |
UL-Listed | Áno |
Technical specifications silicone cover
Height: 3 - 15/16 inches (100 mm)
Diameter: 1 - 7/8 inches (47 mm)
Resistant to temperature fluctuations from -72° to +414° F
socket E26 in smooth thermoplastic with ground
UL Listed: E190302
Note that the interior light bulb socket has a built-in locking safety device that does not allow you to unscrew it once assembled. (This is to protect you from electric shock.)
We ship all our light sockets
not fully assembled and twisted closed
If the safety device does somehow become locked you can unlock this security system, located inside the socket on the side, with a small screwdriver. Please see our tutorial page for videos on how to unlock these light bulb sockets. And If you attempt to unlock the socket you must have the power
Závit | E26 |
Plastový krúžok na tienidlo | Nie |
Materiál | Silikón |
UL-Listed | Áno |
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