Kontaktná zásuvka talianskeho dvojitého vypínača 10/16A na stenu a podstavec pre Creative-Tubes z porcelánu
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Italian 10/16A double outlet porcelain wall socket is the ideal product for those who want a vintage-looking but reliable and safe electrical system. In this kit, it is paired with a base (with 1, 2 or 3 outlets) compatible with Creative-Tubes, the elegant and beautiful cable ducts that allow drawing on walls and ceilings without the rigidity of classic metal pipes.
This socket, compatible with most appliance plugs, has an earth contact and is equipped with protection screens against accidental contact with live parts. Porcelain ensures long-lasting durability, even at high temperatures and without chemical alterations: the ideal material for environments that require a safe and durable electrical system.
Available in white or black, this kit with a base for exposed electrical systems is perfect for creating a vintage and classy atmosphere in domestic and professional environments, such as shops, bars, and restaurants.
Podrobnosti izdelka
Italian double socket outlet 2P+T 10/16A in porcelain for wall mounting:
- Dimensions: Ø 65 mm, h 50 mm
- White or black color
- Rated voltage: 250 Volt AC
- Frequency: 50-60 Hz
- Rated current: 16 A
- Connection type: screw terminal
Please note:
- Use only in indoor environments
- Have it installed by specialized personnel
Porcelain base with 1, 2 and 3 outlets compatible with Creative-Tubes, cable ducts with Ø 20mm:
- Dimensions: Ø 110 mm, h 27 mm
- White or black color
Wall mounting with base - Screws and plugs included
Small imperfections should not be attributed to a manufacturing defect, but are a characteristic of the product and testify to its special artisanal craftsmanship.
Koliko časa traja priprava mojega naročila?
Naročila skrbno obdelujemo v našem osrednjem skladišču v Italiji in si prizadevamo, da jih odpremimo v 48 do 72 urah. Pri naročilih, ki vključujejo prilagojene izdelke iz našega razdelka 'Konfigurator', pričakujte nekoliko daljši čas odpreme.
- Meno: Vrátenie tovaru a vrátenie peňazí
Ak ste zmenili názor ohľadom objednávky, môžete uplatniť svoje právo na odstúpenie do 14 dní od doručenia produktov. Objednávku môžete vrátiť čiastočne alebo úplne. Všetky produkty musia byť vrátené spoločnosti Creative-Cables nepoškodené, v nepozmenenom stave a v pôvodnom obale. Právo na odstúpenie sa nevzťahuje na produktovo upravené alebo zjavné šité produkty, vrátane tých vytvorených pomocou konfigurátora.
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